How does this course work?
We offer you the entire course for free, please register to help us improve
We offer you the entire course for free. To optimize the content for our users, we would love to know a few characteristics of them. Help us and register on Frogleaps. Please tell us what you would like to learn.
How long will it take me?
The entire course will take you a few hours. Feel free to just look around and select the topics which interest you.
Frogleaps Strategic communication model
We developed a model for you to understand easily the most important steps to take. Roll over the phases of this interactive image and see how our frog designs his strategy, based on understanding.
We ask you questions to stimulate reflection
We offer a glossary for easy understanding
Don’t you hate
We use one central case to illustrate theory
We use Our case of Simona for easy learning during the whole course. This true case starring park manager Simona helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice:
We use real life examples throughout the course
Real life examples to learn
We use examples of successful and failing communications aimed at sustainability change from all over the world. There is no greater teacher then real life! Do you have an example to share? Mail it to Frogleaps!
Using our tools could jump-start your change strategy
Example: Frogleaps’ tool Analyze stakeholders is of use if you want to partner with key players, keep high power stakeholders happy, let fans create word of mouth and keep bystanders informed. You need two-way communication to reach these aims. Get together around the table and agree on desired roles and actions.
Take a peek and download our tool:
Download the tool Analyze stakeholders and make the jump
Note: Hands on help and advice is usually advisable for initiating social change processes. So Frogleaps encourages you to team up!
Blog articles spark the course to keep it fresh
The course provides state of the art know how on Strategic communication. But if you dive into the
What is strategy?
Strategy is not a plan to implement. Strategy is a 'three-fold skill set' you learn along the road towards desired results. How do you learn these skills? By...
> Go to the full blog article.
subject, you will find that much of the wisdom is centuries old.
When you think about it, it’s logical. We are human. The way we communicate, does not suddenly change. Even when we shift from hunter-gatherers to urban animals, the underlying drivers remain the same. So the course content is stable. To connect with the present, the far past and other professions, our blog about Strategic communication is the right source! Click on the B to go to a blog article.
Key subjects and topics
We organize course content in Key subjects and topics. You can easily navigate through the Topics of a Key subject, by clicking on the triangle. This will fold the menu so you can focus on the Topics before moving to the next Key subject.

We offer you quizzes so you can test your understanding
The quizzes provide feedback after you submit your answer so you learn while you go.
How to avoid misunderstanding your target audiences
We give positive feedback to encourage you
You’ve come this far so you have a good reason to celebrate.