Phase 1: Understand the possible role of communication
Before you design you communication strategy, you need to know: can communication alone realize my goal? Or do I need supporting interventions to do the job?
Step 1: Understand costs & benefits of current and desired behavior
Find out if current behavior has more benefits than the behavior you propose. Understand costs of current and desired behavior as well. Use your understanding of the target audiences for this purpose.
Step 2: Understand attitudes
Find out if the attitudes of your target audiences toward the change you propose are positive or negative.
Step 3: Understand knowledge
Find out if your target audiences are aware of the issue and the need for behavior change.
Step 4: Understand the possible role of communication and the need for supporting interventions
If communication alone cannot do the trick, you need supporting interventions:
- Rules. To forbid wrong behavior.
- Control of the rules. To stop wrong behavior. Without control, rules are a paper tiger.
- Money. To make right behavior rewarding.
- Infrastructure. To make right behavior possible and easy.
Communication alone does the trick
Communication alone will do the trick, if the benefits of the behavior change you propose, are bigger than the disadvantages.
- Inform & instruct: If the attitude is positive, use communication to stress advantages of the new behavior and provide instructions to make it easy.
- Influence: If the attitude is negative, first use communication to influence attitudes.
Communication needs support of other interventions
Communication needs support of other interventions if the disadvantages of the behavior change you propose are bigger than the benefits.
- Involve & instruct: If the attitude is positive, use money and facilities to stimulate and facilitate the new behavior. You will need to communicate with stakeholders to involve them. Aim: get resources and develop facilities as a joint effort. Use social pressure as well to stimulate the new behavior. And provide instructions about the desired behavior and new facilities.
- Raise awareness: If the attitude of your target audience is negative and they are not aware of the problem focus on problem recognition as first step.
- Instruct: If your target audiences is aware of the problem but the attitude is negative, rules & control combined with money are effective supporting interventions to realize the changes you propose.